Sunday, January 25, 2009

Vacant but not quite Unoccupied

I'm not lazy, uninspired or off to another project - I'm on vacation! Since it's jam-packed activity and fun, there is no real impetus for accumulation. Although, the kids were really hoping for some souvenirs from the Kennedy Space Center today. They had especially cute space chimp stuffed toys, and for some reason I find myself explaining to my 6 year old why that's kind of depressing as so many of them didn't make it back. Next thing I know, we're talking about whether makeup merits animal testing or not... Yeah, it would be easier sometimes to whip out the plastic and buy a bag of good ol' fashioned shut up. Ah, well. I'm running on empty - battery as well as metaphorically - so I'll keep this short and sweet-ish.

Biggest annoyance so far: no bottle opener and the lovely local Land Shark Lager is not a twist off. I'm getting talented and resourceful, as is befitting the hardships at hand...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you got that beer open.Weather good??It's
    -23 degrees C here. Just been served with a lawsuit. We think it's the most damaged boat insurance playing games. Damn--it's the last time to try to make a buck. Come to think of it we've never been through one before. Just need to find a lawyer.


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