Thursday, January 8, 2009

Honesty is painful...

I was actually busy with work today - 3 clients and 2 diagnostics - and it reminded me how it was when I was working fulltime. Generally, I barely had time for lunch or of other necessities - much less shopping for sport. I was a hospice social worker for 4 1/2 years, and I worked until my second child was born and the math was prohibitive. Social work salary and child care expenses were about $100 apart per month - and it just wasn't doable. The irony is that when I talk about returning to work, even full time, I tell people I just wanted to be able to go to the bathroom by myself. But my point - there's one here somewhere - is that shopping when you're really stretched between home and work is more of a survival thing. What with little time for procuring family necessities, comparison shopping is a luxury. And the increased amounts of time and energy involved in second-hand shopping simply isn't available.

Which is my roundabout way of calling the question - is this a self-indulgent quest? A vanity project? It's called voluntary simplicity for a reason. If you're forced into it, they just call you poor.

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