Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back from the brink

It's been way too long, but it turns out I didn't have much computer access while on our road trip. Or, when I did have a monitor and a moment, I had little energy or inspiration.

This was year 5 of the summer odyssey in which I pack up the kids and drive East, staying with family and friends along the way. It can be a lot of fun - open to the experience of new places, warped schedules. And it can be utter hell. I have been known to take a "mommy time out" on the side of a country road in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan because I am exhausted and can't stand the whining, and the car stereo only goes so loud, ya know?

It was an abbreviated trip this year - 2 weeks, 2900 miles - because I had to get back for work. We managed to get in quite a few good visits nonetheless. Some highlights: reconnecting with old friends, sailing and swimming on the St. Lawrence River, time with my favorite cousins. Awesome museum experiences in Naperville, Illinois; North Tonawanda's Carousel Museum, and Science North in Sudbury, Ontario.

I know it sounds insane, but the longest day we did was 720 miles. We left the Twin Cities at 4am, breakfasted somewhere halfway thru Wisconsin. Then a picnic lunch and incredible time at the DuPage Children's Museum in Naperville, Illinois. It was busy, crazy day of exploring and we were all pretty exhausted after 3 hours. We piled back in the car, and finally stopped at 10:30 somewhere in Ohio. (Quite the storm and light show, when there was any visibility whatsoever. And what's with the menage-a-trucks? Aren't double trailers scary enough? Yeesh.) I was crispy-fried but the kids were wiggly from too much time sitting still.

The only near-emergency on the road trip this year was when the DVD player spluttered and died. Luckily I had the Chronicles of Narnia on CD, along with Beginning Italian which was surprisingly helpful in keeping me awake. L had her I-pod, X was happy talking to himself or his bear, and I listened to the same Brazilian CD about a (bra)zillion times.

The added bonus this year? A firmly set precedent that we don't buy crap or souvenirs at each and every stop. I must admit to a bit of temptation at the duty free (sweatshirts! purses! various maple-based foodstuffs!) but I think that was just the fatigue talking. Other than food, gas, 3 nites in a hotel, the only thing we purchased was gin and saltwater taffy.

So, instead of back home and broke - we're just back. A good time was had by all/most. And yes, I'd do it again in a heartbeat - only for a longer stint.

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