Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not dead yet... feeling alright

I'm still not used to the whole blog phenomenon. I certainly enjoy reading other folks' musings on a variety of topics. I can't say I've been much of a follower for long. I was taken aback the other day when I started telling some sort of hopefully witty anecdote, and was stopped with "Yeah, we saw that on your blog."

Yup. I've become my own re-run.

So as much as I'd like to mine my daily trials and tribulations for blogging material, I need to admit that it's not always spellbinding material. It's sort of novel when I discover who actually reads these pages in the hopes of some entertainment or at least food for thought. When conversations start with "You haven't written anything in a while." I am somewhere between flattered and flustered. But it amps up the pressure a bit, too. Most days I can turn this minor stress into a Motvational Force. Some days, not so much. I've never considered myself a Writer in the big-W sort of way, but still, I get the writer's block and all the benefits therein.

Inappropriate self-disclosure time:

I'm in a piss poor mood. Foul. Clinically: anhedonia, amotivation, mood lability, difficulty concentrating, paucity of thought content. Or, as our dear friend Tim calls it, "A serious case of the fuck-it's." It's late afternoon and the longest I've been out of bed at a stretch has been an hour. I look like the wrung-out washrag hag on the Cymbalta commercial. And that's after a shower.


We all have our days. Today is not one of my best and brightest. No need to worry though. I'll be back to my neurotic baseline in no time.

Meanwhile - I don't feel like shopping, at least. Everything looks wrong and takes too much energy. Economic depression on the local level...


  1. I am honored to be part of your lexicon. Here's hoping you get over your bad mode. Not a mis-spelling--Sarah and I use that term to describe a mood so bad it trancends a bad mood.

    And yes, when I was blogging more prolifically, I did manage to re-run myself in meat-space a couple of times. It's a bit odd having people say, "...yeah I read that on your blog."

    Both Sarah and I haven't been all that well mood-wise lately. I've been shut down and Sarah is overwhelmed. It's all good though. We both have Friday off.

  2. Prolific, it's certainly not me. Have been termed a one liner. And so I blow hot and cold. What new words I'm learning/reading from your blog, What is anhedonia? Probably should look it up but....
    What the hell does blog mean?????...
    Only blew off once today cuz I feel some things are best left alone. Let people sort out their own problems cuz if you've never had to solve any then guess what happens.
    Oh yeah,promised a Portugese gal I'd help her with her ESL program, but since I've never taught ESL what the heck can I do to help her???


I'd be interested in hearing your feedback and suggestions, provided they are constructive. Thanks.