Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bump a dee dah, bump a dee dah...

Yes, the wagon has wi-fi.

Mandragora has a tour this week: Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago. So we tacked a mini-vacation on to the endeavor. We're at Smokey Hollow, in Lodi, Wisconsin. It was about 3 1/2 hours from the Twin Cities and we arrived last night. For $45 we got bunks in a Conestoga wagon. Finally, I can explain to the kids what "riding shotgun" actually means...

Today the band joins us, so we moved into a spacious yurt, right on the sandy shores of the swimming pond - which is crowded with all sorts of trampolines, slides, floats, and hamster wheels for kids to play in the water.

This is kid-central - and they are loving it. We've been incredibly active - climbing, paddling, pedalling, jumping - just trying to keep up. For the most part, we're having fun too. I'm getting a kick out of the smug and sure knowledge that this is something neither us would have done on family vacations growing up. It's too... hokey, artificial; like a playdate on steroids. But, this is a few days off and doesn't involve airfare or rental cars. And even though they nickle and dime you a bit here and there - in order to use the rental equipment you need a wristband for an additional fee, along with parking an extra car & / or person at the yurt - it's a pretty good value.
The band is out at their gig, the kids have made friends with the neighbors, and I am blogging in my yurt whilst enjoying a cold beer, locally brewed. Not a bad vacation so far.
Happy Trails indeed.

1 comment:

I'd be interested in hearing your feedback and suggestions, provided they are constructive. Thanks.