Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ReUsing cont.

Trying to get in a post before the midnight deadline, to make it appear timely. And I wonder if I can really get through a year living this and talking about this, much less writing about it. And the name is bugging me! Obviously was watching way too much School House Rock that day...

Yesterday I did a tour at the preschool which significantly cut into my 3 hours of freedom. As the day was already dismal, I decided to go wait at the Social Security Office - with the poor, huddled masses that were rather malodorous - to get my replacement card. Why, you ask? Well, I did a search on those unclaimed property websites and Lo AND behold - I have a whopping $266 from some bank account in New York I forgot to close before moving to MN. And these days, a couple hours of paperwork certainly rates $266. It'll be found money, in a way.

I studiously avoided going back to the Salvation Army, but still had some time to kill. The library doesn't open til noon. So I checked out the haven of all do-it-your-damn-selvers, The ReUse Center. It's a crazy salvage place for all things architectural. I spent an unseemly amount of time petting a particularly lovely mantel, that was scaled for a house roughly triple ours. I still wanted it, in its' hand-carved bas relief glory. A mere $800! I've always heard about the ReUse Center and have certainly benefitted from its' bounty - but had never actually been in there. 'Twas very cool. Highly recommended if you're hoping to do home renovation on the cheap and green side.

From there to Savers, a paltry two blocks away. I wandered, not quite lonely as a cloud. I was looking for puddle boots for X and a stuffed parrot to complete my slutty pirate ensemble for the upocoming gala at St. Marks. Struck out on both counts. I did find a nice aluminum bottle I didn't technically need for a mere 99c and a cute pair of pants for my daughter for $2.99. But what was priceless: the all-too-earnest clerk explaining to me that although it was, in fact, Tuesday, I would not be receiving the Senior Citizen Discount. Such a flatterer!

Meanwhile, back at the Barnesyard: turns out the whole birthday/pizza party/sleepover combo is a bit more popular than I'd planned on. So far, 12 for the party, and 9 "sleeping"over. I am screwed. The redeeming factor: I will forever be able to point at this ill-begotten social occasion as the party that effectively ended all parties. When the whining begins, I can just say "Remember that 7th birthday party fiasco????" and be given a pass on all future social obligations. I have to take my compensation when it occurs!

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